서울시가 “I.Seoul.U”를 새 슬로건으로 뽑았군요. 그리고 (저를 포함한) 세계의 많은 사람들이 이 선택에 대해 어리둥절해 하는것 같아요. 또 하나의 이상한 슬로건 "Jump into Ireland” 을 가진 나라 아일랜드에서 온 제가 이런말 하는것도 좀 우습네요. 하하.. 알고 보면 많은 나라 또는 도시들이 서울보다 더 '유니크한' 캐치프레이즈를 가지고 있답니다. 제가 몇개 뽑아봤는데요:
1. Visit Bangladesh before tourists come
2. Greece – You in Greece
3. Panama – It will never leave you (무슨 기생충 이야기인줄...)
4. I FEEL sLOVEnia
5. Germany – The travel destination (역시 독일답게 아주 효율적인(?!) 슬로건이네요)
6. Korea – Be inspired! (제가 좋아하는 슬로건이에요!)
7. Costa Rica – no artificial ingredients
8. Walla Walla, Washington: The city so nice they named it twice
9. See Alaska – before you die (알래스카에 가까이 오지 말라는 경고같군요..;;;)
10. Portland, Oregon – Keep Portland Weird.
공정하지 못할지도 모르지만, 저는 제가 태어난 도시 더블린의 슬로건에 한 표를 주고 싶은데요. 더블린은 “City of a thousand welcomes”라는 슬로건을 가지고 있는데 이 슬로건은 “a hundred thousand welcomes to you"를 뜻하는 옛 아이리쉬/겔릭어에서 아이디어를 얻었습니다. 이 슬로건과 함께 어떤 여행사에서 진행되었던 동명의 (City of a thousand welcomes) 프로그램이 있었는데 이는 더블린을 처음 방문하는 여행객들이 현지인들과 맥주나 커피를 마시며 도시를 함께 둘러 볼수 있게 하는 프로그램이었는데요, 별도의 비용 없이 각자가 마신것은 각자가 내는거였구요. 혹시 이처럼 여행객들이 서울 현지사람들과 만날 수 있는 프로그램이 있다면 이 프로그램은 어떻게 될까요? 성공할까요?
So Seoul has chosen as its new slogan, “I.Seoul.U” and many around the world are scratching their heads in bewilderment, including me. I can’t make fun though since I come from a country that had the equally odd motto, “Jump into Ireland”. In fact many countries and cities have had far more ‘unique’ catchphrases than Seoul. Here’s a few I thought were particularly interesting:
1. Visit Bangladesh before tourists come
2. Greece – You in Greece
3. Panama – It will never leave you (It sounds like a tropical parasite)
4. I FEEL sLOVEnia
5. Germany – The travel destination (of course the Germans make even their slogans efficient)
6. Korea – Be inspired! (This is actually one of my favourites)
7. Costa Rica – no artificial ingredients
8. Walla Walla, Washington: The city so nice they named it twice
9. See Alaska – before you die (sounds like a warning to stay away from Alaska)
10. Portland, Oregon – Keep Portland Weird.
At the risk of being accused of bias, I have to give credit to my hometown of Dublin! Their slogan is “City of a thousand welcomes” and comes from the old Irish/ Gaelic language way of welcoming someone by saying “a hundred thousand welcomes to you”. Hand in hand with that slogan was a programme started by the Irish tourism agency which allowed first-time visitors to the city to meet locals who would show them around the city and have coffee or a beer together, all for free. Do you think a similar programme in Seoul could be successful with local Seoulites meeting tourists?
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